Dr.Life Organic Ginger by Family Pharmacia

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Marca: Dr.Life, SKUs: 18 sacos de filtro, Embalagem: Carton
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Marca: Dr.Life, SKUs: 18 sacos de filtro, Embalagem: Carton
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Dr.Life Organic Ginger by Family Pharmacia
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  • O gengibre é usado há séculos para reduzir a inflamação e tratar condições inflamatórias
  • Diminuir o risco de câncer de cólon.
  • Um estudo envolvendo 74 voluntários realizado na Universidade da Geórgia descobriu que a suplementação diária de gengibre reduzia a dor muscular induzida pelo exercício em 25%.
  • O chá de gengibre pode ser usado com segurança por mulheres grávidas para aliviar náuseas e vômitos, também é um remédio caseiro comum para náuseas durante o tratamento do câncer.


a Principal

18 sacos de filtro



Sobre o Vendedor

Family Pharmacia was founded with the beginning of the new millennium to satisfy the passion of its founder to produce herbal teas that bring peace to the mind and refreshment to the soul. As a pharmacist, our founder's extensive knowledge of medicinal plants allowed him to develop herbal teas that were tasteful, refreshing, replenishing, and therapeutic for our customers. while, with hard work and time, Family Pharmacia has grown to become Egypt's third largest herbal tea producer , it stands alone at the top of the market for quality ( we are ISO 22000-and OHSAS 18001-certified)
Family Pharmacia owns a 5,200m2 state-of-the-art packing facility and possesses an extensive network of suppliers. Along with its own brands, Family pharmacia produces more than 50 different herbal and fruit teas under private labels for 32 companies in Egypt and international markets. Along with Egypt, our products are sold in throughout gulf countries, Lebanon, Jordan, and USA, and we are actively pursuing other foreign markets.


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