GMS Electric serangga pembunuh
Merek: RUPS
Nomor model: GI 5000 watt
Jenis: obat nyamuk
- Sebuah petir
- Bola lampu UV berkualitas tinggi
- Setiap lampu memiliki daya 20 watt 60 cm
Tentang Vendor
Egyptian Industry Factory
Providing household electrical appliances of all kinds with high quality to all consumers at affordable prices
Manufacturing the latest electrical equipment through the Research and Development Department responsible for bringing the new in the world of electrical appliances to be implemented in the factory to provide the latest equipment for consumers
The Egyptian Factory for Industry is one of the leading companies in the field of electrical appliances industry and the factory owns many resistors that make it a leader in this industry due to its experience in the field of manufacturing and assembly of electrical devices, which exceeded 10 years in the Egyptian market
The factory has many capabilities that make it one of the leading manufacturers of electrical appliances
He owns injection molding machines for electrical devices
The factory's production capacity exceeds 1,500,000 devices, thus contributing to meeting a large part of the needs of the Egyptian market
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