Fresh La Strada potatoes by AGROFOOD

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Fresh La Strada potatoes by AGROFOOD
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La Strada

Verifique a especificação do produto

Forma de tubérculo : Oval, profundidade de olhos muito rasa.

Conteúdo de matéria seca: possui matéria seca média.

Rendimento: Rendimento muito alto.

Teste de fritura : Tipo de cozimento e cozimento


a Principal


Sobre o Vendedor

AGROFOOD started off as a partnership in 1992. The company was driven by the initial yearn to develop an organic community within Egypt. Since the start AGROFOOD has been a believer that consumers will always select what is safe and healthiest when it comes to choosing what they eat. This philosophy has encouraged AGROFOOD to work towards this lifestyle and work in the organic production bringing the very best to their consumers, making our company one of the pioneer companies in Egypt.


AGROFOOD is a privately owned company with approximately 150 permanent employees and 700 seasonal workers. AGROFOOD is one of the first in Egypt to specialize in the organic and now in the conventional agro-production, grading, packing and exporting field. Not only are we key players in the export of vegetables but are also the second largest company specialized in the importing of potato seeds for both table and processing varieties. AGROFOOD owns five packhouses for root crops and fresh vegetables.


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