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Egypt ranks first in the world as a frozen strawberry exporter

Apr 16, 2021 Egypt Today Did you Know?

According to a study from the International Trade Center, Egypt ranks first in the world as a frozen strawberry exporter with a global share of 20 percent of the crop's exports in 2019.

The amount exported is 140,000 tons and worth $165 million

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What Major Products Does Egypt Manufacture?

Mar 31, 2021 Did you Know?
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What are the benefits of eating dates?

Oct 10, 2020 Did you Know?
Dates are one of nature's sweetest treats. Their high sugar content may have you wondering whether dates are considered a healthy choice. Dates are definitely sweet, but as a fruit, they also provide beneficial micronutrients and some fiber. You may want to consume dates in moderation, but they are by no means an empty-calorie food. It also has existed since prehistoric times and is believed to have been cultivated as early as 8,000 years ago. Native to the Middle East, there are over 100 different varieties of date palm trees.
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What are the nutrition and health benefits of Okra ?

Oct 10, 2020 Did you Know?
Okra is a flowering plant known for its edible seed pods. It’s cultivated in warm and tropical climates, such as those in Africa and South Asia. Sometimes referred to as “lady’s finger,” okra comes in two colors — red and green. Both varieties taste the same, and the red one turns green when cooked. Biologically classified as a fruit, okra is generally utilized like a vegetable in cooking.

It’s frequently used in Southern American cuisine and popular addition to gumbo. Yet, it can have a slimy texture, which some people find unappealing.

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Impressive benefits of Molokhia

Sep 11, 2020 John Staughton Did you Know?

The health benefits of molokhia include its ability to protect heart health, regulate digestion, protect the immune system, build strong bones, improve blood pressure, increase cognitive abilities, improves sleep habits, helps in growth and development, improve circulation, and reduce inflammation.

What is Molokhia?

Molokhia is only one name of dozens of this leafy plant of the Corchorus species, which is commonly utilized in Egyptian and Middle Eastern cuisine. It is also known as mulukhiyah, molohiya, mloukhiya, and a number of other translations, depending on where in the world you happen to be using this beneficial vegetable! The historical usage and the bitter taste may be the reason that molokhia isn’t too common around the world, but the taste and consistency are not much different than okra or various other cruciferous vegetable leaves. When boiled, molokhia makes a kind of broth, making it a common ingredient in soups. 
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What is difference between juice and nectar?

Sep 6, 2020 Buymassry Did you Know?
Although not widely known to consumers in general, the difference between juice, nectar and still drink is related to the content of fruit juice present in the packaged beverage. Worldwide, products labeled as "juice" must contain 100% fresh fruit, therefore these are pure products with no preservatives or sweeteners and no artificial colors, and may or may not contain the pulp of the fruit itself. In this category, there is a division between "Reconstituted Juices," which are basically concentrated from three to six times at the juice concentrate factories where they are produced, and subsequently diluted with potable drinking water at a bottling plant, returning the juice to its original condition (in terms of concentration of soluble solids in water) at the time of bottling, before being distributed to consumers.
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Mango Season: Egypt’s Favorite Summer Fruit

Sep 4, 2020 Mary ARAVANIS / Egyptian Streets Did you Know?

Nothing beats the smell of a fresh pile of mangoes on a warm summer’s day. No matter how one chooses to eat it, in the form of a ‘cup’, in the form of ‘senan’ (teeth or hedgehog style) or simply biting into it, the juicy interior with its rich sweet flavor can make anyone feel instantly better.

Egyptian mangoes are a staple every summer, and they come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. In fact, Egyptian mangoes come in about 15 different varieties, some of the most popular being EweisHendi (Indian), SedikkaAl fons, and Baladi.

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Why Egyptian mangoes have such a good reputation?

Sep 4, 2020 Did you Know?
Fresh Egyptian mango is one of the most nutritionally rich fruits, with a distinctive flavor, smell, and taste, which is why Egyptian mango is a unique fruit, with an incomparable tropical delicacy.   Golden yellow, crimson red, orange-red, or green; regardless of its color, the “fruit of the God” according to Indians, is always finger-licking good. Mango’s overwhelming taste will overcome your senses, even before you remind yourself to eat in moderation.   History of Egyptian Mango The mango was first brought to Egypt from Sri Lanka. The fruits cultivated by Sri Lankan farmers are, in turn, derived from Indian varieties. Later on, Mohamed Ali Pasha planted the first shrubs in 1825. The first mango tree was planted in what is known today as...
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