Frozen Peeled Broad Beans by Agro Alex Group

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Brand: Mahinour, SKUs: 400 gm, Packaging: Plastic Bag
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Frozen Peeled Broad Beans by Agro Alex Group
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Frozen Peeled Broad Beans

Broad beans come on top of the most popular vegetables in Egypt and the region. Dating back to the time of the pharaohs, the region’s inhabitants relied heavily on Broad Beans as an essential component of their diet, and each country and area within a country, have their own recipe of cooking Broad Beans. Besides their delicious taste, their benefits are countless. They are an excellent source of protein and fiber, which is a stellar blend for people wanting to lose weight. They’re also loaded with Foliate and B vitamins, both needed for the development of our nerves and blood cells, our cognitive functions, and our energy. Broad Beans can be a standalone meal or an ingredient in numerous recipes across the world.



400 gm
Plastic Bag

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About the Vendor

Agro Alex Group

Welcome to Agro Alex Group Company's website.
Agro Alex Group is a family run group of companies founded in 1950 based in Alexandria, Egypt. It specialises in the cultivation, packing and export of fresh fruits and vegetables among a wide range of other products. The group of companies consists of Agro Alex Group Co., Agro Alex Co. and Mahinour Co.
Since its establishment, Agro Alex Group has been able to maintain its worldwide reputation through supplying its partners with unmatched product quality that exceeds expectations at very competitive prices and constantly developing new methods to diversify into new products in order to successfully penetrate markets whilst maintaining an unwavering optimum quality of its products. Moreover AAG is a pioneer in the agricultural innovation of its products and packing stations.


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