Red Jalapeno Sliced by Two Brothers Co.

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Brand: 2 Brothers, SKU: 370 ml / 720 ml / 1050 ml, Pengemasan: Toples kaca
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Irisan Jalapeno Merah

Digunakan sebagai hidangan pembuka di atas meja dan dapat dimasukkan ke dalam sandwich untuk memberi rasa dan rasa.



2 Brothers
370 ml / 720 ml / 1050 ml
Toples kaca

Buah & Sayuran (Semua Kategori)

Dipotong / Diiris / Dicincang

Tentang Vendor

Two Brothers for olives is one of the leading companies in the field of producing and manufacturing and exporting olives and other pickles. Two Brothers for olives was established in 2010 In Al-Odwa village – 90 kilometers away from Cairo.

Two Brothers for olives is following high international standards during all stages of the manufacturing process to ensure natural, safe delicious products, capable to compete globally and able to comply with all requirements of our clients.

Two Brothers for olives stand on the head of the producers and exporters of olives and other pickles for several Arab countries, Africa, Europe, Asia, and the Americas.

Global and local quality certificates such as Egyptian quality certificates (EQC), ISO 22000, ISO 18001, and ISO 9001

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