Sport Long Socks by Hero Egypt

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Calcetines deportivos largos

El deporte no es solo para profesionales… pero es hora de que todos disfrutemos de un cuerpo sano, que es lo más valioso que poseemos de hecho.

La empresa fabrica productos con nueva tecnología bajo el nombre (Trick Tech), que hace que el jugador se seque durante el partido ya que el sudor se evapora del cuerpo y las telas no lo absorben. Porque cuando las telas absorben el sudor durante un partido o cualquier otro deporte/actividad, aumenta el peso de la ropa entre un 60% y un 65%, lo que sobrecargará a los jugadores y disminuirá su rendimiento y eficiencia.



Hero Be Unique

Sobre el vendedor

Sportswear has changed ...

This slogan expresses the concept of sportswear today. At Hero, products are always evolving to meet our customers' expectations. For the Gulf markets, the weather in many areas can be humid and hot during some seasons, so we’ve provided special fabrics that don’t make sportsmen feel itchy and that doesn't absorb sweat, as well as to use ventilation fabrics that are very light and help to stay fresh all day long.

The company produces a new technology for its products under the name (Trick Tech), which makes the player dry during the match as the sweat evaporates out of the body and the fabrics don’t absorb it.

The company has paid as well special attention to casual clothes made from 100% high-quality Egyptian cotton.

The company is targeting various sports markets around the world and thus prepared special specifications for the European markets.


Hero Egypt is the official sponsor (Kit Sport/Sportswear) for the Egyptian National Basketball team during the 2017 FIBA World Cup.