Buymasrry Logictics Services dapat mengirim to
United States
Tetes molase Al Raya
Molase kurma mengandung persentase yang sangat besar dari unsur besi.
Dibuat murni dengan jus kurma montok yang dipres, molase kurma Odysea adalah sirup kaya warna karamel dengan rasa manis yang dalam dan tekstur yang kental seperti beludru. Kurma semi-lunak persia digunakan untuk produksi molase kami, memberikan rasa penuh seperti pohon kurma dengan rasa manis seperti madu.
Tentang Vendor
Rabwa is one of the leading and reliable companies in the food industry in terms of the quality of products, freshness, and fast delivery. The company deals with a large sector in Egypt for supplies, hotels, restaurants, and food industry companies.
The company exports its products to Arab, European, and Australian countries, It has a section to provide packaging for other private labels.
The company follows the policy of rationalization in the expenses of advertising, which allows the company to sell at competitive prices.
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