Fresh Pomegranate
Product Type: (Wonderful - Assiuty)
AGREEN is one of the biggest growers of pomegranates in Egypt.
Working with a variety called "wonderful" which is known for its sweet taste deep red pigment soft seeds and high juice content with antioxidant benefits. We have the perfect sugar level with the right bitterness providing you with an incredible taste that goes straight to your heart.
About the Vendor
AGREEN is a part of El Banna Group; it's the largest grower and exporter of citrus in the world.
AGREEN is the biggest grower of citrus with an annual production capacity of 200,000 tons of citrus subject to an annual increase of 25%.
AGREEN started its business in 1995, in the agricultural adventure by reclaiming 1000 acres of fertile soil and started to cultivate them with all kinds of citrus.
AGREEN planned to plant 9500 acres of new varieties of citrus in 2018. AGREEN production will reach half a million tons of citrus in the year 2025.
AGREEN has in its citrus farms all varieties of oranges, Mandarins, Lemons and Grapefruit.
AGREEN is exporting nowadays more than 170,000 tons out of its productions and the rest of the production is being sold to the local Egyptian market.