Brands: Snow Fresh (8)

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Brand: Snow Fresh, SKUs: 5 kg, Packaging: Carton, Origin of Product: Egypt
Fresh Bell Pepper Product Type: Bell Pepper ( Red - Green - Yellow ) Packing: Carton Shipping: Sea Shipment or Air Shipment Season: From November To May Bell peppers are a great source of vitamin C. Green peppers have twice the amount of vitamin C by weight than citrus fruits, and this powerful punch of vitamin C is an antioxidant that may be effective in preventing certain types of cancer.
Brand: Snow Fresh
SKUs: 5 kg
Packaging: Carton
Origin of Product: Egypt
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Brand: Snow Fresh, SKUs: 5 kg, Packaging: Carton, Origin of Product: Egypt
Fresh Hot Chili Pepper Product Type: Hot Chili (Red - Green) Packing: Plastic bags Box Shipping: Sea Shipment or Air Shipment Season: From November To June Also sometimes known as Piri Piri or Pili Pili the African Bird’s Eye is a small chile growing to only about 1 inch but they pack a lot of punch. They mature to red or purple and have a tapered shape with a blunt point. Historically found in the African wild it has recently been grown commercially in some parts of Africa often to be used as pepper extract or as organic pest control.
Brand: Snow Fresh
SKUs: 5 kg
Packaging: Carton
Origin of Product: Egypt
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Brand: Snow Fresh, SKUs: 5 kg, Packaging: Plastic / Box / Carton, Origin of Product: Egypt
F resh Sweet Potato Product Type: Sweet Potato Packing: Plastic Box Carton Shipping: Sea Shipment or Air Shipment Season: From December To March Sweet potatoes are a staple food in many parts of the world. They are a good source of fiber, potassium, vitamins, and other essential nutrients.
Brand: Snow Fresh
SKUs: 5 kg
Packaging: Plastic / Box / Carton
Origin of Product: Egypt
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Brand: Snow Fresh, SKUs: 5 kg, Packaging: Carton, Origin of Product: Egypt
Fresh Green Beans Product Type: Green Beans Packing: Carton Shipping: Sea Shipment or Air Shipment Season: From December To April Green beans are an inexpensive, versatile, easy-to-find source of healthy carbohydrates protein fiber and micronutrients. Nutrition varies based on how they are prepared or processed but in general, this legume is a healthy addition to your diet It's a green vegetable with very little fat cholesterol sodium or sugar.
Brand: Snow Fresh
SKUs: 5 kg
Packaging: Carton
Origin of Product: Egypt
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Brand: Snow Fresh, SKUs: 5 kg, Packaging: Plastic Box, Origin of Product: Egypt
Fresh Artichoke Product Type: Artichoke Packing: Plastic Box Shipping: Sea Shipment or Air Shipment Season: From December To April Artichokes are native to the Mediterranean region an area of the world with one of the lowest rates of chronic disease and one of the highest life expectancies. Mediterranean cuisine features artichokes other vegetables and fruits and little saturated fat.
Brand: Snow Fresh
SKUs: 5 kg
Packaging: Plastic Box
Origin of Product: Egypt
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Brand: Snow Fresh, SKUs: 10 kg / 20 kg, Packaging: mesh bags, Origin of Product: Egypt
Fresh Onions Product Type: Onions ( White - Red ) Packing: Mesh Bags 10KG to 20KG Shipping: Sea Shipment Season: From December to May The amazing onion provides layers of flavor color and texture to a wide variety of dishes and cuisines. But their appeal goes beyond flavor when you consider their role in history and our health.
Brand: Snow Fresh
SKUs: 10 kg / 20 kg
Packaging: mesh bags
Origin of Product: Egypt
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Brand: Snow Fresh, SKUs: 5 kg, Packaging: Carton, Origin of Product: Egypt
Fresh Lettuce Product Type: Lettuce Packing: Carton Shipping: Sea Shipment or Air Shipment Season: From January To December Our fresh lettuce & leaves are selected with care to ensure quality freshness and taste.
Brand: Snow Fresh
SKUs: 5 kg
Packaging: Carton
Origin of Product: Egypt
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Brand: Snow Fresh, SKUs: 5 kg, Packaging: Carton / Net Bag, Origin of Product: Egypt
Fresh Garlic Product Type: Garlic (Red - Chinese - Baladi) Packing: Carton – Net Bag Shipping: Sea Shipment or Air Shipment Season: From February To May Garlic is one of the earth's greatest health tonics and does indeed have scientifically-proven medicinal properties. It contains a substance called Allicin which has anti-bacterial properties that are equivalent to a weak penicillin. It is a natural antibiotic and is useful in treating everything from allergies to tonsillitis.
Brand: Snow Fresh
SKUs: 5 kg
Packaging: Carton / Net Bag
Origin of Product: Egypt