سهل حلاوة
الحلاوة الطحينية مع النكهات العديدة التي أضفناها إليها تعتبر طعمًا فاخرًا في منطقة الشرق الأوسط ، تُنتج الطحينة من بذور السمسم حيث يتم عصر البذور وتعقيمها ، والتي تشكل المكونات الرئيسية للحلاوة ، مما يجعل الحلاوة غنية الزيوت الأساسية .
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معلومات عن البائع
The history of the company goes back to the 1940’s and began with one product Kamardene (apricot sheets) which were all handmade it wasn’t until 1979 the company began to introduce different products in which to satisfy the local market, as it realized that the consumer had changed their eating habits and were ready for something The Al-Durra factory now occupies 15.000 sq mt which includes our laboratory fully new equipped with the latest technology to meet with food standards and holds all the necessary certificates including haccp ISO 22000 and the ISO 9001 certificates. Al-Durra remained and will remain the leader of food products industry
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