Penne Pasta by Egyptian Emirates

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Marque: Egyptian Emirates, Origine du produit: Egypte
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Penne Pasta by Egyptian Emirates
On backorder
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Penne Pasta de Emirates Egyptiens

11 ml

450g de penne
250ml double crème
110g de beurre
40 g de parmesan râpé
50g de persil frais haché
1 cuillère à café de sel
1/4 cuillère à café de poivre noir fraîchement moulu
1/8 cuillère à café de granules d'ail

Porter à ébullition une grande casserole d'eau légèrement salée.
Ajouter les pâtes et cuire de 8 à 10 minutes;
Entre-temps, mélanger la crème double et le beurre dans une grande casserole à feu moyen.
Chauffer jusqu'à ce que le beurre fonde, en remuant de temps en temps; veillez à ne pas porter le mélange à ébullition.
Incorporer le Parmesan, le persil, le sel, le poivre et les granules d'ail.
Mélanger avec les pâtes cuites et servir immédiatement.



Egyptian Emirates
Origine du produit:

Information sur le vendeur

Egyptian Emirates for food industry is a leading company in various types of long and short pasta production. Our factory is certified by HACCP and ISO 9001 due to the company’s full commitment to the quality and safety level . The company is using the latest Italian machinery equipped with the highest technology in the world to manufacture the finest types of pasta. The Emirati experience in pasta manufacturing and the strategic location of the Arab Republic of Egypt combine the success factors of the company in the production, manufacturing, shipping and export sectors from Egypt to a large number of countries around the world such as Africa, East Asia and the United States of America. The company aspires to cover all markets of the world, supported by the modern technology used in the expansion of its production lines. The marketing and sales is policy is based on the quality and the customer good service as they are the most important and most worthy criteria. Egyptian Emirates produces its own brands and some other worldwide well-known brands in the field of pasta industry too for other companies.


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