Processed cheese slices (Cheesa) with flavors by Riyada

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Бренд: Cheesa, Артикули: 150 г, Упаковка: Термоусадочна упаковка
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Форма: скибочки сиру (кругла форма)
Вміст жиру: 40% у сухій речовині
Упаковка: коробка, що містить 4 дисплея x 12 упак
Вага одиниці: 150 гр
Зберігати: зберігати в холодильнику від +2 до +5 С
сир ароматизований сир доступний у:
Зелена оливкова
Сир кмин
Часник і трави



150 г
Термоусадочна упаковка


4 х 12

Про постачальника

Riyada was founded in 2005 as an Egyptian share holding company. Riyada’s core business principal is producing High Quality cheese to satisfy the customer needs in the Egyptian and Middle Eastern market.
Riyada is the Arabic term for “excellence”. The name was chosen carefully to reflect the mission and vision of the company and its share holders . In Riyada, our main objective is to be the leader in the production and marketing of special types of cheese that provide excellent value for our chosen customers.
The actual production started by the end of year 2005 with 20 tons of milk per day. To develop new products and to fulfill the demand, Riyada has increased the production capacity on a yearly basis. Today, Riyada is receiving 130 tons of milk per day.
Riyada’s product mix includes: Natural cheese :“Edam, Gouda, and Gouda with flavors”, Processed Cheese: “Block and Cream cheese spread”, Oriental cheese: “Akawi and Magdoula”, White cheese “Feta and Low salt”, Mozzarella cheese “Block and Shredded”, as well as Butter 10 g and Block .
Riyada is Sister Company of Soudanco S.A.E. A leading company in the importation and distribution of Food Stuff in the Egyptian Market during the last 35 years.


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