Al Raya Natural Bee Honey in Oatmeal and Wheat Germ
For diabetics and slimming programs.Reduces cholesterol Because it prevents cholesterol from depositing inside the arteries and sticking to their walls, as this helps prevent.
Solidify, by eating three grams of these oats (a cup of oats).
Studies have shown that it is beneficial for the validity of a clinical study over forty years confirming the ability of oats to
Reducing total and harmful cholesterol, and the most important of these studies was published in the Azariyah journal of nutrition and diets.
Beta-glucan reduces harmful cholesterol.
About the Vendor
The company exports its products to Arab, European, and Australian countries, It has a section to provide packaging for other private labels.
The company follows the policy of rationalization in the expenses of advertising, which allows the company to sell at competitive prices.
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