Amon Flour by El Khatab

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Brand: El Khatab
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Tepung Amon

Tepung Amon adalah Bagian dari Kategori Baked.

Kategori ini dicirikan oleh harga yang kompetitif dan produksinya yang khas dalam hal kualitas tinggi dan cocok untuk rotary kiln dan juga digunakan dalam roti Finno dan beberapa jenis baked rotary.



El Khatab

Tentang Vendor

El-Khatab Company for Mills was founded in 1987 to produce the finest types of flour in the Arab Republic of Egypt. The company has three giant mills with a production capacity of 2,750 tons per day, Middle and West Delta Flour Mills Agents Our production capacity has increased to meet the increasing demand for our products to reach 3,100 tons per day. This is the largest production capacity in the Arab Republic of Egypt.
