Areej Aromatherapy

No More Pain by Areej

Marca: Areej, SKUs: 60ml, Embalagem: Garrafa
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Sem mais dor (60ml)

Um analgésico com óleo de manjerona

Esta mistura pode ser usada para aliviar dores de cabeça, distensão muscular ou cãibras e é excelente para massagens.
Desfrute desta mistura 100% natural e reconfortante de ervas, doce, conhecida por suas propriedades sedativas e que pode ajudar a acalmar sua mente.

Instruções: Comece sua experiência respirando profundamente o aroma. Use como um hidratante corporal geral ou como um reforço de aromaterapia ao longo do dia, aplicando nos pontos de pulsação. Massageie algumas gotas na pele úmida após o banho ou banho para ajudar a manter a umidade. Adicione duas colheres de sopa à água do banho para uma pele mais hidratada e macia. Além disso, pode ser usado para massagens corporais.


a Principal



100% Natural

Sobre o Vendedor

4,000 years ago, one of the ancestors named Neferturm invented aromatherapy.
Neferturm is the Ancient Egyptian god of healing and Areej, often depicted with a Lotus flower on his head. The lotus flower symbolized ‘Rebirth’ due to the fact that it shrinks during the night and blooms when the sun shines. The Flower was also used as a symbol for the unification of Upper and Lower Egypt. Therefore we know that Nefertum was able to heal and rejuvenate people’s souls by using the Areej of flowers to unify their mind, body, and soul.
During ancient times, Egypt was considered to be the Mecca of Medicine. People flocked to Egypt from all over the world for general education and more importantly medical consultation. The Nile River provided us with one of the most fertile lands that grew unique and effective crops for food and medicine.

In 1975, with a sole aim to continue Nefertum’s legacy and use Egypt’s unique flowers to provide the world with the best therapeutic grade essential oils; Hashem Brothers was created using ancestors' unique and fertile land to export essential oils to the finest Flavour and Fragrance companies around the world. In 2008, after 20 years of continuous research, development and collaboration with global experts, Areej Aromatherapy was rejuvenated 4000 years later using authentic Egyptian ingredients.

Being The first aromatherapy brand in the Middle East and Africa,  we are committed to using natural-derived and certified organic plant ingredients for the responsible development of naturally-derived personal care products with aromatherapeutic benefits.

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