Mango Nectar Juice by Best - DoyPack

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Marca: Best, SKUs: 200 ml, Embalagem: Pacote Doy
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Mango Nectar Juice by Best - DoyPack
On backorder
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Suco de néctar de manga - DoyPack

Os DoyPacks são multicamadas econômicas e macias, com bolsas de papel alumínio. Prático de usar e ultra leve em comparação com outros formatos de contêiner.

Especificação: O tamanho da embalagem é de 200 ml, e eles vêm em embalagens de 40 por caixa.


1. Néctar da manga
2. Néctar de goiaba
3. Néctar de Maçã
4. Néctar de laranja
5. Cocktail de Goiaba
6. Cocktail de abacaxi com laranja


a Principal

200 ml
Pacote Doy


Data de validade:
12 months from the production date
# Itens / caixa

Sobre o Vendedor

Best is one of the leading Egyptian producers of Juices, Tomato Paste and Jams.

The company’s mission is to deliver a high-fruit content quality beverage with a great selection of packaging material to suit our customers’ needs ranging in size, price and pack.

Our goal is to deliver the best available fruit crops of the Egyptian Nile Delta. Our formula is simple Providing beverages with high fruit content, juice making guarantees preserving the freshness of the exotic flavors.

BEST products stand well for shelf display.

Our products are delivered through a variety of packages including Doypack, Tetrapak, Bottles, Tin Cans, and Jars.


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