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Everest Смешанные овощи от Raya Foods.
Мы отбираем лучший качественный свежий горох, морковь и зеленую фасоль. EVEREST реализует процесс производства смешанных овощей в начале сезона, когда они свежие, нежные и имеют высокую концентрацию сахара.
О Продавце
Raya Foods is a subsidiary of Raya Holding that was established in the market since 1999. Raya Foods acquired The International Union for Integrated Food Industries’ factory that has been operating in the market since 2006, offering a wide variety of frozen vegetables and fruits in both the local and international markets. Raya Foods is manufacturing two brands “Lazah” and “Everest” covering the basic day to day product range as well as new innovative food solutions that are catered to consumers’ needs.