Fresh Grapes by Gouda

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Marca: Gouda, Embalagem: Carton
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Marca: Gouda, Embalagem: Carton
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Fresh Grapes by Gouda
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Uvas frescas

As uvas conhecidas por seu sabor adocicado são uma excelente fonte de vitamina K cobre e vitamina B2 reconhecida internacionalmente como preventiva para doenças cardíacas e uma excelente fonte de folato que a GOUDA colhe e envia uvas de alta qualidade para os principais supermercados e varejistas do mundo com a nossa qualidade garantia garantida.


a Principal



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Sobre o Vendedor

Gouda Journey into health & wellness started in Egypt since 1987 and Sprawled Over More than 32 Years of Success to Become the region’s leading vertically integrated grower, producer and distributors of high quality Fresh and Frozen Fruits and Vegetables.
Combining our strengths and expertise in the region, we offer our clients a premium product that are tailored to their Needs to Maximize their healthy living Goals in a Rapidly Changing environment.
“Our success is driven by a combination of factor. Our dedicated team under the leadership of our Supportive board and visionary management. Our state of-the art infrastructure incorporating centralized farms and advanced processing plants
Our talent for innovation reinforced by world-class marketing and distribution expertise.
Diversifying Success our growth strategy encompasses diversification through innovation, geographical expansion, and organic growth.



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