Fresh Iceberg Lettuce by Egypt Garden

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Brand: Egypt Garden, Asal Produk: Mesir
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Selada Gunung Es Segar

Jenis Produk: Selada Gunung Es

Selada gunung es adalah sayuran pucat yang renyah dan hijau rimbun ini tumbuh secara alami di tanah Taman Mesir. Berbagai selada gunung es adalah hijau daun yang menghidrasi dan kaya serat. Lipatan daunnya yang renyah sangat indah. dan itu memiliki rasa netral dan krisis menyegarkan.

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Egypt Garden
Asal Produk:

Tentang Vendor

Egypt Garden for import and export specializes in exporting fresh agricultural products of prime quality. A diverse selection of high quality produce is available to pick from, guaranteed to satisfy. Our star product line is the citrus line. Our production also includes grapes, strawberries, pomegranates, nectarines, peaches, mangoes, lettuce, red and white cabbage, broccoli, capsicum, gold and red onion, green and white beans, watermelon, carrots, garlic, melons, hot chilies, artichoke, and many other fruits and vegetables of the finest quality.