Fresh Red Flame Grapes by Green’s Farm

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Fresh Red Flame Grapes by Green’s Farm
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Uvas frescas de llama roja

Grado: A

Color: rojo cereza

Azúcar: 18% min

Tamaño: 16 mm min

Estacionalidad: mayo, junio

Madurada por el sol, esta famosa variedad produce racimos medianos de uvas grandes, dulces y jugosas que te encantarán más que las que encuentras en el supermercado.



Green’s Farm


  • Mayo
  • junio

Sobre el vendedor

Our land has been chosen carefully in the best agricultural sites in Egypt- Minya deserts, where the nature of the mineral-rich soil is the best to produce kinds of fruits.

The farms managed through integrated food safety and quality management system that complies with the food industry's international standards. Our Grapes & Dates fruits are among the best quality in the market

Green’s Farm is Founded in 2001. , started by cultivating:

• 43 faddans of Superior grapes (sugarone)
• 31.5 faddans of Flam grapes
• 38 feddans of Early sweet grapes
• 42 faddans of Medjool dates (1900 palm tree) 4y old
• 06 faddans of Barhi dates (300 palm tree) 4y old

New expansion 2021

• 54 faddans of Medjool dates (3456 palm tree)
• 18 faddans of Barhi dates (1152 palm tree)


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