Hemet Living room by Furniture Ideal

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Brand: Furniture Ideal, Warna: putih, Model: Modern
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Ruang Tamu Hemet

Ruang Tamu Modern

Ruang keluarga merupakan tempat di dalam rumah dimana kita berkumpul dengan teman dan keluarga untuk bisa berkumpul dengan nyaman. Bergaya dan fungsional berjalan seiring dengan pilihan sofa nyaman, penampang berbentuk L, kursi empuk, kursi malas, dan kursi kami. Baik Anda menetap untuk menonton film maraton bersama anak-anak atau meringkuk dengan buku bagus di kursi malas favorit Anda, furnitur ruang tamu kami tidak hanya dibuat untuk tahan lama, tetapi juga dirancang untuk memaksimalkan kegembiraan berada di rumah.

Spesifikasi lainnya

Set lengkap sofa dan kursi luar biasa untuk rumah modern Anda. Jangan ragu untuk menghubungi kami untuk mendapatkan proposal Anda.



Furniture Ideal

Tentang Vendor

We give you the chance to customize the design for your furniture exactly the way you want. You can come to us with the designs that you like or you can choose a design from the wide range of models that we provide online. We combine your preferences with the models you select to create unique furnishings that add value to your property.

Our manufacturing team consists of exceptional craftsmen who take care of the smallest of details while handcrafting your furniture. They transform your vision into reality with their keen eye for perfection. We also have a furniture designer who can guide you in the process of choosing the right models and come up with a design that fits the measurement and finishing that you are looking for.

The ‘Factory to Home’ approach that we follow, helps in cutting down designing expenses by more than 30%. Our interior decor solutions cover everything from furniture to handmade rugs, home decor accessories to upholstery at highly competitive prices.