Lacto LF Infant Milk by Lacto-Misr Co

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Brand: Lacto, Pengemasan: Timah
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Lacto LF Infant Milk by Lacto-Misr Co
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Susu Bayi Lacto LF

Lacto LF Infant Milk Lacto LF adalah susu formula bubuk bayi sejak lahir sampai usia 12 bulan
Lacto LF adalah susu formula khusus bayi untuk bayi dengan intoleransi laktosa
Lacto LF mengandung nutrisi berharga & elemen penting yang memastikan kesehatan bayi.
Lacto LF mengandung 68 Kkal per 100ml.
Protein Lacto LF memasok paling banyak asam amino esensial.
Lacto LF mengandung karbohidrat terutama sirup glukosa
Lacto LF diperkaya dengan semua vitamin dan mineral esensial.
Lacto LF dilengkapi dengan selenium yang berfungsi sebagai anti-oksidan yang memperbaiki kondisi umum tubuh, penyerapan makanan, pertumbuhan rambut dan juga mencegah kerusakan sel.




Tentang Vendor

Lacto-Misr Company for the Production of Baby Milk powder & Food is a joint-stock company established in January 2000. 

Lacto-Misr is the first plant in Egypt, the Middle East & Africa to produce Baby Milk Powder.

The plant is designed also to produce special baby food, supplements and food ingredients and is equipped with the most advanced Austrian & German technology in the field of Baby Food Production and food ingredients. All the types of equipment are controlled automatically under the supervision of highly experienced Egyptian specialists.

The Know-How for Baby Milk was obtained from one of the major German companies which are considered one of the few worldwide companies in the Baby Milk Production. 

The annual production capacity of Lacto Misr is about 35 million tins from baby milk powder as well as 15000 tons from Non-Dairy Creamer powder and Topping Base powder to cover the local needs & export the surplus to the Arab Countries.


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