Jus Mangga Beku
Gold Alex Mango Juice dianggap sebagai produk terbaru dari Gold Alex Family.
Buah mangga dipetik, dipotong dan diperas dengan teknik modern. Juga, Gold Alex Juice ditandai dengan kualitas tinggi dan rasanya yang enak.
Penyimpanan: Toko atau freezer yang dibekukan dalam suhu minus 18oC selama tidak lebih dari 18 bulan.
Pengubahan ukuran ulang tidak diizinkan.
Tentang Vendor
Gulf Egyptian Center is a privately owned company founded in 1990 and actively specialized since then in exporting frozen vegetables and fruits, all highly selected and of high quality under the company’s privately owned brand Gold Alex. Gold Alex is one of the Middle East’s major new entries into frozen vegetables. It has become one of the popular brands in different foreign markets and appealing to all classes of consumers.
Gold Alex assures the vegetables and fruits from the farm to the eating table without any additives or preservatives. Gold Alex guarantees a steady supply of high-quality products to the importers throughout the world.
Gold Alex is ISO 22000/2005 & HACCP certified.
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