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Cuchara Danteil
El secreto de la casa perfecta son los artículos para el hogar de última generación, así que transforma tu casa en una delicia para los artistas con nuestra variedad de artículos esenciales para el hogar y la vida diaria.
Dimensiones: 13 × 15 cm
Cartón-cbm: 0.08270535
Dimensiones de la caja: H 0,44/ W 0,415/ L 0,455
Peso neto: 3,8 Kg
Paquete: 24 piezas
Color: Salmón oscuro, Verde lima, Púrpura, Púrpura oscuro, Turquesa, Amarillo
Sobre el vendedor
The company started in 1970 and is manufacturing high-quality houseware products. Our mission is to create a company that is highly focused on innovation. As of today, we strengthen our quality under the MaxPlast brand and export the products to over ten countries in the World.
Our modernized production facility has a 6.500m² area located in Egypt. Continuously running its production in three shifts per day and six days a week. And with our high technology injection machines, we present a wide range of products with its innovative R&D Department Team.