Buymasrry Logictics Services يمكن أن تشحن to
United States
قيعان الخرشوف المجمدة
سواءً كنت تفضل قيعان الخرشوف أو القلوب أو شرائح شرائحنا ، فإن "الخرشوف الفرنسية" المميزة من بيتيت فيوليت تأتي في المرتبة الأولى. مع ذوقها الغني ونسيجها الناعم ، من المؤكد أن هذه الأطباق الشهية ستضيف نكهة البحر الأبيض المتوسط إلى وجبتك.
معلومات عن البائع
With our fast-paced lifestyle, eating healthy is not always easy. That’s why our goal is to make eating fresh and healthy food as simple as can be. Our mission is to provide fruits and vegetables as nature intended, all year round. Since With our fast-paced lifestyle, eating healthy is not always easy. That’s why our goal is to make eating fresh and healthy food as simple as can be. Our mission is to provide fruits and vegetables as nature intended, all year round. Since day one, we have devoted our energy to bringing you tasty, sun-kissed frozen fruits and vegetables, with no additives or preservatives.