Irisan Terong Beku
Terong, juga dikenal sebagai terong, milik keluarga tanaman nightshade dan digunakan dalam berbagai hidangan di seluruh dunia.
Meskipun sering dianggap sebagai sayuran, mereka secara teknis buah, karena mereka tumbuh dari tanaman berbunga dan mengandung biji.
Ada banyak varietas yang berkisar dalam ukuran dan warna. Dan meskipun terong dengan kulit ungu tua paling umum, mereka bisa berwarna merah, hijau atau bahkan hitam (1Trusted Source).
Selain membawa tekstur unik dan rasa ringan ke resep, terong membawa sejumlah manfaat kesehatan potensial.
1. Kaya Banyak Nutrisi
Terong adalah makanan padat nutrisi, artinya mengandung banyak vitamin, mineral, dan serat dalam beberapa kalori.
Satu cangkir (82 gram) terong mentah mengandung nutrisi berikut (2):
Kalori: 20
Karbohidrat: 5 gram
Serat: 3 gram
Protein: 1 gram
Mangan: 10% dari RDI
Folat: 5% dari RDI
Kalium: 5% dari RDI
Vitamin K: 4% dari RDI
Vitamin C: 3% dari RDI
Terong juga mengandung sejumlah kecil nutrisi lain, termasuk niasin, magnesium, dan tembaga.
Ukuran: 10x10mm, 20x20mm. Alasan: ِ Sepanjang Tahun
Tentang Vendor
Galina-Agrofreeze, a leading company in the field of agricultural productions, was founded in Egypt in 2004.
One of the main reasons for the success and prosperity of this company is the fact that Egypt is blessed with fertile soil and its river; the Nile.
In addition, the weather all year round is exemplary for the production of a variety of fruits and vegetables.
The plethora of the crops planted has enriched our production line with its array.
Ever since establishing Galina-Agrofreeze, we have been focusing on our clients’ needs.
We continuously upgrade our facilities to implement top technologies in the field, employing the latest market trends. With the aid of our 24,000-ton production capacity, we are committed to producing quality products.
We give high attention to detail, along with our production process, which allowed Galina -Agrofreeze to become the main supplier to some of the most prominent names in the industry.
The fact that our customer base has been increasing over the years has not detained the company from sustaining it's close and attention to each customer.
We recognize that our obligations go beyond our professional responsibilities.
We value and respect each of our customers and are obligated to provide the national and global communities with the best services.